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Mapping the Weinsberger Berge


Inspired by Tom7 to go outside more, I set myself the goal of biking every Forestpath between Weinsberg and Heilbronn, before I will be moving avay in the Summer.

Controlling OpenAutoPro with Volvo RTI IR-Remote


Using my original 2007 Volvo RTI Remote to control OpenAutoPro on a Raspberry Pi.

A Journey of Automatic Number Plate Recognition 1: OpenALPR


In the first article of this series I will be looking at OpenALPR. The software is easy to use, comes with compiled binaries for windows and doesn't need a fancy GPU or anything like that. It also has bind ins for python and Go, which would ease integration into a live system.

A Journey of Automatic Number Plate Recognition 0: Can't be that hard, right?


The start of a number plate nerd trying to teach his rpi to remember all the other cars. ANPR is surely a solved problem by now, right?

Use Eduroam on Android 11 without the geteduroam App


Since Android 11 the manual way of adding the Eduroam network requires more input. The official solution, the geteduroam app, is a horrible mess that I don't want to use.

The Docker IPv6 Userland Proxy


Some interesting information about the Docker IPv6 Userland Proxy and how to better use it, despite Docker's horrible implementation.

Reverse-proxying with bare nginx in a dockerized setup


Every Docker Setup nowadays needs a reverse proxy and there are a lot of different choices. After trying both Traefik and NGINX Proxy Manager, but having troubles with them, I decided to use a bare nginx container. This setup needs a bit more attention, but its also much lighter and easier to maintain in my opinion.

Telefonica Germany activated IPv6 on their mobile network yesterday


Yesterday Telefonica Germany, as the last of the big 3, activated IPv6 on their mobile networks for all existing customers.

Some thoughts on OneUI 2.0


I got OneUI 2.0 on my S10e 2 days ago and so far it's fine. Not overly impressed, but no device breaking bugs or stuff.

I installed WWAN on my X380


The Campus Model Lenovo X380 did not have the option for LTE, but commuting for many hours every week, I need internet on the go. So I upgraded my brand new X380 with LTE myself.